Full cycle creative advertising agency

digital transformation / video / creative / design

Big red
Button for Microsoft
and Softline
Microsoft offers many software products to businesses. Each of them is designed to improve the efficiency of individual business processes. But for executives and small and medium-sized business owners, these products are often too complex. Absolutely not guided by the products and licensing programs of Microsoft, it is difficult to understand the advisability of purchasing software and choose the optimal licensing scheme.
The Kruche agency team took the initiative and proposed to Microsoft the concept of an advertising campaign focused on the needs and objectives of small and medium-sized businesses (SMB). Later it was decided that the federal support of the advertising campaign would be provided by Softline.

The Big Red Button is an effective assistant for small and medium-sized businesses. With its help, even a person infinitely far from information technology will be able to make a decision on choosing a tariff and purchasing software in record time.
Тарифы office360
This is an explanation site. We have specially prepared five small videos. Each of them reveals a product in an unusual format for PRODUCT DEMO — for greater clarity, we used examples of solving specific problems of a conditional organization, as close as possible to everyday realities in the office.

This is a gamification site. In just a few seconds, the visitor will be able to find out which software package he needs and how much it will cost. In order to simplify this procedure, we suggest that the client choose the roles of the employees who work in his organization. Or indicate the tasks that he would like to solve? and all this in simple and understandable words. We have developed AB testing functionality to find out which package selection method is most effective.
This is a seller site. Indeed, in order to buy the selected product or ask a clarifying question, you just need to click on the Big Red Button. Softline provided federal support for the advertising campaign through the operational work of the call-center.

The result is a seemingly simple and straightforward site that effectively removes most of the barriers between Microsoft’s sophisticated technical product and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.
Promo site (product gamification) Promo site (gamification by role)